Ninth Grade award winner: Isabele May, Noblesville High School, Noblesville, Ind.

Teacher: Jennifer Zink and Gary Hipes
Project Title: Is Sordaris a Mungus?
Sordaris is a fungus that grows on herbivore feces. Isabele asked the genetics-related question: will hybrid asci show if crossing over has occurred during meiosis of the cell? (Meiosis is defined as a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each with half the chromosome number of the parent cell, as in the production of gametes.)
Her hypothesis was that the “wild + tan” and the “wild + gray” will show more crossing over (meiosis 2). The asci show up as horizontal alignments in the cell. In meiosis 1 they have a four - four ratio (non-crossing over) and in meiosis 2 they have a two – two – two ratio or a two – four – two ratio (crossing over). Her conclusion after inspection by microscope was that the wild + gray hybrids showed evidence of meiosis 2. The wild + tan hybrids showed more meiosis 1, making her original hypothesis partially correct.
Tenth Grade award winner: Haleigh Moore, Noblesville High School, Noblesville, Ind.

Teacher: Sarah Freemyer
Project Title: Peanuts for Fuel
This project tested the potential energy that can be derived from three different types of nuts as compared to diesel fuel. The project also compared the relative costs to produce the energy. Haleigh selected peanuts, almonds and cashews for her test and hypothesized that peanuts would produce the most energy and be the lowest cost. She constructed a calorimeter and, after weighing each item to be tested, ignited each nut and the diesel fuel in the combustion chamber. After calculating the temperature change in the water for each item and weighing the residue of each nut, Haleigh calculated the energy released. The results showed the diesel fuel released the most calories of energy, with the almonds coming in second. Cost evaluation show almonds being the most expensive, peanuts the lowest cost, followed by diesel fuel.
Eleventh Grade award winner: Nina Kovalenko, Noblesville High School, Noblesville, Ind.

Teacher: Charles Emmert
Project Title: Drug Resistance in Staphylococcus Epidermidis
This project addresses the potential for drug resistance when using anti-bacterial hand soap. Nina’s hypothesis was that after repeated exposure to anti-bacterial soap the bacteria would become drug resistant. Nina cultured staphylococcus epidermidis and repeated exposed it to Triclosan, an anti-bacterial agent regularly used in anti-bacterial soap. After 13 treatments in a controlled environment in four trials, she concluded that her hypothesis was correct.
Twelfth Grade award winner: Cara Magnabosco, Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School, Indianapolis, Ind.

Teacher: Dr. Claire Baker
Project Title: Predictors & Outcomes of Abnormal Pulmonary Tests in Subjects Awaiting Liver Transplantation
Cara’s project was the result of work as an intern with the National Institute of Health and the Indiana University Medical School. The problem according to her presentation is that "there are several well-known extra-hepatic complications secondary to portal hypertension in patients with liver cirrhosis. Pulmonary complications, such as abnormal arterio-alveolar gradient, have been reported in these patients. However, the impact of these parameters on the outcome of subjects who were on liver transplantation list is now well characterized."
The hypothesis was that there was no influence of any of the variables on the relationship between cirrhosis and pulmonary function. A retrospective study of data was conducted and a variety of statistical analysis were applied to the data. The conclusions were: "Gas exchange abnormalities and airway obstruction are common in cirrhotic patients awaiting liver transplantation. Independent predictors of gas exchange abnormalities are smoking history, BMI, HTN and abnormal CXR. The only independent predictor of airway obstruction is history of smoking. patients with abnormal gradients have a lower median of survival than patients with normal gradients. Smoking cessation and optimization/correction of abnormal gas exchange should be incorporated in the pre-liver transplantation care and education of cirrhotic patients."
This data will be published and also presented in Washington, DC later in the year.
Complete Judging Results
Elementary Division, Tuesday, March 20, 2007
4th Grade Girls
1st Place: Jessica DeWitt, Mary Castle Elem. Indianapolis TITLE OF PROJECT: How Do You Taste?
2nd Place: Meredith Watson, White River Elem, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT:Don’t Lose Your Cool
3rd Place: Yumna Khan, Snacks Crossing, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: How Do Eggshells React
Honorable Mention: Hannah Haller, Mary Castle, Indianapolis: Lindsay Persico, Mary E. Castle, Indianapolis
4th Grade Boys
1st Place: Timothy Van Atter, Hattie B. Stokes, Lebanon, TITLE OF PROJECT: Mind Graphs
Teacher Mrs. Barnes received the L A Marshall Award of Merit for the Elementary Division
2nd Place: Max Rozema, Alternative Learning Academy, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Wave Energy
3rd Place: Daniel Krupski, Hinkle Creek Elem, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: Vertical Vengeance
Honorable Mention: Kaveet Pandya, Center Grove Elem, Greenwood, Ethan Heikens, Creekside Elem, Franklin
5th Grade Girls
1st Place: Megan Yoder, Sycamore School, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Landslides: The Truth Behind Them
2nd Place: Elizabeth Bowers, St. Susanna, Plainfield, TITLE OF PROJECT: What Color Bird Feeder Attracts the Most Birds?
3rd Place: Katie Hampton, Isom Central, Greenwood, TITLE OF PROJECT: The Metal Ages
Honorable Mention: Rachel Connors, Pleasant Grove Elem, Greenwood, Brooke Hensell, Central, Lebanon
5th Grade Boys
1st Place: Brandon Gum, Mary Castle Elem, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Bubbles
2nd Place: Therin Showalter, Perry Worth Elem, Lebanon, TITLE OF PROJECT: How Much Water Is In Various Fruits
3rd Place: David Liang, Guion Creek, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Investigate Guard Rail Safety
Honorable Mention: Jason Hatke, Central Elem, Lebanon, Connor Christmas, Coulston Elem, Shelbville
Junior Division, Thursday 22 March 2007
6th Grade
1st Place: Brett Douglas, Lebanon MS, Lebanon, TITLE OF PROJECT: Let’tuce Move E. Coli
2nd Place: Luke Otley, St. Barnabas, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Temperature and Magnets
3rd Place: Daniel Taylor, St. Richard’s, Carmel, TITLE OF PROJECT: Generation of Site and Taste
Honorable Mention: Hailey Perkins, Shelbyville MS, Shelbyville, Paul Woodworth, Indian Creek MS, Trafalgar. Sam Garrison, Fall Creek Intermediate, Fishers, Erin Crowther, St. Barnabas, Greenwood, Brian Elkins, Anna Brochhausen, Indianapolis
7th Grade (Names in bold indicate an invitation for a cruise on the Research Vessel at Grand Valley State University)
1st Place: Adam Booth,The Oaks Academy, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Wind Power
2nd Place: Kellie Lamothe, St. Luke School, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Say Cheese
3rd Place: Heather Gum, Craig Middle School, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Got Gravity?
Honorable Mention: Erin Darland, Our Lady of Greenwood, Greenwood, Connor Gehlert, Int’l School of IN, Indianapolis,
Lillian Crabb, St. Richard’s, Indianapolis,
Rosie Johnson, George Washington, Indianapolis,
Kaylee Titsworth, St. Susanna, Mooresville,
Caitlin Clem, Beech Grove MS, Beech Grove,
Philip Miser, St. Simon the Apostle, Indianapolis,
Hannah Bauer, St. Barnabas, Greenwood
8th Grade (Names in bold indicate an invitation for a cruise on the Research Vessel at Grand Valley State University)
1st Place: Marisha Wickremsinhe, Guion Creek MS, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Making Paste in Haste
Teacher Mr. Ashburn received the L A Marshall Award of Merit for the Junior Division
2nd Place: Nicholas Hartman, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Carmel, TITLE OF PROJECT: Colonic Salad Dressing
3rd Place: Matthew March, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Carmel, TITLE OF PROJECT: Exercise and Endothelial Health in Youth
Honorable Mention: Austin Bazilio, Craig Middle School, Indianapolis, Jon Aaron Stevenson, Franklin Township, Franklin, Middle School, William Hedley , Cascade MS, Clayton, Brannon Bowers, Creston MS, Indianapolis, Matthew Blandford, St. Mark Catholic, Indianapolis,
Jessica Newman/Alexis Weaver, Stonybrook MS, Indianapolis,
Camille Allamel, International School, Indianapolis,
Eliza Moore, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Carmel,
Isaac Seals, Shelbyville MS, Shelbyville,
Audrey Oliger/Katherine Alemeier, St. Maria Goretti, Carmel,
Gillie Wedding , St. Richard’s, Carmel,
Katelyn Doering, Avon MS, Avon,
Joy Kimmel, Heritage Christian, Indianapolis,
Nicolas Cassidy, Stonybrook MS, Indianapolis,
Joel Reyes, Harshman MS, Indianapolis,
James Beverly-Johnson/Bryant Crain, Center for Inqiury #2, Indianapolis,
Stanton Wilhite, The Oaks Academy, Indianapolis,
Levi Vonnegut-Gabovitch, Hasten Hebrew Academy.,Indianapolis,
Yonatan Hasten/Christopher Thompson, Zionsville,
Katie Brown , West Stone’s Crossing, Greenwood,
Ethan Raker, West Stone’s Crossing,Bargersville
Senior Division, Thursday 22 March 2007
9th Grade (Names in bold indicate an invitation for a cruise on the Research Vessel at Grand Valley State University)
1st Place: Isabelle May, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: Is Sordaris a Mungus?
Teachers Jennifer Zink and Gary Hipes will receive the L A Marshall Merit Award for the 9th Grade
2nd Place:
Chrissy Erickson, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: Bacteria, Antibiotics, and Mutations
3rd Place: Jered Carriger, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: The Art of Gram Staining
Honorable Mention: Kaitlyn Collyer, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, Ben Vowell/Zach Langhans, Greenfield Central, Greenfield,
Marilyn Decastro, Noblesville HS, Noblesville,
Consuelo Arciga, George Washington, Indianapolis
10th Grade (Names in bold indicate an invitation for a cruise on the Research Vessel at Grand Valley State University)
1st Place: Haleigh Moore, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: Peanuts for Fuel
Teacher Sarah Freemyer receives the L A Marshall Merit Award for the 10th Grade
2nd Place: Katie LeSesne, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: The Perfect Note: Does Brand Matter
3rd Place: Carrie Spencer, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: Soiled Plants?: Plant Growth in Different Types of Soil
Honorable Mention: Hillary Kaub, Noblesville,
Emily Kerns, Noblesville,
Stephanie Steele, Noblesville,
Betsy Boxberger, Noblesville,
Caitlin Wilkewitz, Noblesville,
Brittney Ritchie, George Washington, Indianapolis,
Rachel Sinders, Noblesville
11th Grade (Names in bold indicate an invitation for a cruise on the Research Vessel at Grand Valley State University)
1st Place: Nina Kovalenko, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: Drug Resistance in Staphylococcus Epidermidis
Teacher Charles Emmert receives the L A Marshall Merit Award for 11th Grade
2nd Place: Ben Rowe, Noblesville HSm, Noblesville, TITLE OF PROJECT: Stokes’ Law: Not Just for Spheres
3rd Place: Will Zander, Bishop Chatard HS, Indpls, TITLE OF PROJECT: The Quest for Perfection
Honorable Mention: Matthew Huffman, Heritage, Indpls, Kyle Wagner, Noblesville HS, Noblesville,
Jesse Hutton, Whiteland HS, Whiteland,
Maycodon Sprow, George Washington, Indpls
12th Grade (Names in bold indicate an invitation for a cruise on the Research Vessel at Grand Valley State University)
1st Place: Cara Magnabosco, Brebeuf Jesuit Prep, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Predictors & Outcomes of Abnormal Pulmonary Tests in Subjects Awaiting Liver Transplantation
Teacher Dr. Claire, Baker Receives the L A Marshall Merit Award for 12th Grade
2nd Place:
Willy Hernandez, George Washington, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Testing Liquid Biomes
3rd Place: Ryan Eichhorn, Bishop Chatard HS, Indianapolis, TITLE OF PROJECT: Keeping It Yellow: The Preservation of Bananas
Honorable Mention: Tara Reprogle, Noblesville HS, Noblesville, Adrian Kuzel, Noblesville HS, Noblesville