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Scientech Meeting Schedule

Scientech meetings are held nearly every Monday at noon at the Northside Knights of Columbus just west of Keystone on 71st Street. Click HERE for further details on the location.

Anyone may attend a meeting. There is no cost to attend. However, if possible, we would like to have you join us at a luncheon buffet (deli buffet, salad or soup, dessert, beverage) for conversation before the meeting. The buffet begins at 11:15am and costs $10.00 (or $2.00 for beverages only), payable at the door.

The meeting begins at noon with announcements and introductions, followed by the presentation which is usually illustrated with slides or digital images. Members of the audience may ask questions or make comments. The meeting ends promptly at 1:00pm.

Occasionally, the Club will make a field trip on a Monday to a place of mutual interest. When tour space is limited, it may be necessary to make a reservation before the tour begins. When bus transportation is provided, there will usually be a small fee required to cover the cost.

There are no attendance requirements for the Club. Members attend because they are interested in the wide variety of topics covered. It is these programs, together with the fellowship of individuals of similar outlook and interest, that justify the Club's long existence

Each presentation and tour is summarized in a Club newsletter which is distributed to members by e-mail within a day or two of the meeting. A summary of each presentation is also posted on this web site. To view summaries of the previous presentations, click on Presentations in the Navigation Bar above.

Do you have a good idea for a Club program? Well, of course you do! Each Program must have a Scientech Member as a Sponsor. This means that each one of us can be (should be!) a Sponsor sometime. The process is simple and easy. Click HERE to see the instructions for submitting a Presentation Proposal.