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Slide Show Directions

Note: these instructions apply after you have accessed the image display site provided. To view the slides used in this presentation most effectively, check the small square icon in the upper right corner of the display. If it is grey, leave it alone. If the small filled-in icon is blue, click on the small grey broken-up square icon next to it. You will then have a display of all of the slides arranged six or more per line. Scroll down as necessary to see them all.

Left click on any slide to view an individual copy. When viewing an individual slide, clicking on the image will give a still larger copy which will more than fill the screen. You can move around this large image by holding the left cursor down on the image and moving it around. You can also move forward and backward through all of the individual slides by using the arrows on the left and right of the screen.

If you would like to obtain a copy of any of the slides, click on the down arrow at the bottom right of the screen which will allow you to select the desired size of the downloaded image. Click on the desired print size and save to the desired location on your computer. Click on "Back to Album" in the bottom left corner of the individual slide display to return to the overall display.

Alternatively, you can view all of the images as a slideshow by clicking on the small "TV Screen" icon in the upper right corner of the overall display screen. The slideshow will advance automatically or you can move forward or backward manually by using the arrows on the sides of the screen. Use the "X" in the upper right corner to exit the slideshow.